Monday, March 8, 2010

chickens, lights & vegetable beds

Last night we were woken up around midnight to the sound of squawking in the chicken coop. Aaron went outside to find a possum in the coop, we opened up one side of the and poked him out with a broom handle. Then we went to bed thinking everything was okay. Well, this morning I went out to check on them and the Americana doesn't have any tail feathers. Poor thing, she's the skittish one, too. When we lived in Durham she almost got eaten by the neighbor dog. Anyway, I looked her over and she doesn't appear to have any wounds. And today I'm going to put bricks around the outside of the coop to see if I can't tighten it up a little, he probably squeezed in under one side, either looking for feed or eggs.

This weekend we put in two 12x12 vegetable beds, well... Aaron did and I helped. He put down plastic over the one to discourage weeds. That's going to be it for the summer garden, in the fall we're hoping to start another bed or two. We went and bought a bunch of seeds and when we get back from Atlanta plan to start some plants in the greenhouse. I also put in some daffodils and planted some shrubs near the road.

On Saturday I bought some awesome vintage light fixtures. Peters Design in Downtown Durham is going out of business, they're an architectural salvage place that I've always loved but never had a reason to buy anything. Well I bought 4 old light fixtures and an old doorknob since we were missing one. Hopefully Aaron can get these working, I think they'll look great.

Oh, and we now have heat and hot water!

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