Thursday, March 31, 2011

Throw it...

Throw it, throw it.... c'mon throw it.

Friday, March 18, 2011


We got these angora rabbits from our friend Eric... They're names are Sammy and Delilah, Sammy's the grey one. They're both really cute and docile and REALLY soft...

I've been letting them get exercise in the chicken run, there's an area that is completely caged even from above so they're safe from hawks. And it's a pretty decent size for them to stretch out and hop around.

The weather has been beautiful these last couple of days, we are finally finished planting the rest of the spring garden. We planted lettuce, spinach, chard, garlic, onions, potatoes, carrots, sugar snap peas, broccoli, bok choi and beets. I'm interested to see how the bok choi does, we've never grown that from seed before. Last fall I bought a couple of plants and they did really well, so I thought I've give it a try.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It seemed like this winter was going to go on forever but this week everything seems to be coming to life again. God, I love this time of year.

Well, we've been here a year today! And we're still together, ha! Our real estate agent kept warning us how difficult this would be and that marriages sometimes don't make it through renovations.

It hasn't been luxury living by any stretch but it also hasn't been terrible, frozen pipes and $500 heating bills and all.  So, there's still a lot to be done and there probably always will be, but I think we're on our way to having the cool old house we always wanted.

Here are some photos I took this morning.

The chickens love to perch on this barrel.

Sugar snap peas sprouting, planted 2/1

This spinach made it through the winter.

Buds on the tree in front of the house.