You know what happens when you have rabbits, right?
You get more rabbits.
Well, here are a couple of photos of the baby bunnies. They're about 4 weeks old and hopping around, they're cute as hell. I've been trying to handle them a lot so they will make good pets. Anybody know anyone who would want an Angora bunny?
Last weekend we finished planting all those plants we got a while back. We also moved a couple of bushes to make access to the porch easier. It looks way better out there and really didn't cost a whole lot of money. The area around the old well has a bunch of huge stones that we used to make a step for the porch and to make the path, we even stood one up. If you look close you can see a chicken in the top photo. Hopefully these plants will grow and fill in nicely.
Here's a photo of the moveable chicken coop... pretty cool, huh?